New Engen Brand

From the logo to the pitch, value propositions to positioning, service offerings to differentiation, I had the joy of leading the charge to develop New Engen from an idea in the founder’s head to a fully realized brand identity.


Brand Platform – Tone & Styleguide 2020

Services and Capabilities

The pitch decks for New Engen acted as a living extension of brand documentation. We experimented and honed our capabilities and services based on the intersection of what our clients valued most, and our own unique approach to performance marketing. Creative testing in particular became a central theme of New Engen’s differentiation.

These slides are a representative excerpt from the New Engen agency pitch in 2020, showcasing my influence and work on the agency’s service offerings, positioning, and methodology.

Logo Explorations 2017

Before the agency existed, I was given the name (New Engen) and a mission (to fix digital marketing and make it scalable through technology), and set to work developing the logo and visual identity – trustworthy, but cutting edge.